National Volunteer Week 2021
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
~ Aesop
There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. In these challenging times there has been kindness everywhere. So many in our community leaned in to help where support has been needed most. Helped protect others by delivering PPE. Helped feed hundreds by delivering meals and groceries. Helped isolated neighbours feel a little less lonely with check-ins and warm conversation. Helped by donating to local causes facing increasing demand for their services.
Many more showed their support to our frontline heroes with posters, lawn signs and red hearts displayed in their windows. And still others organized and took part in drive-by caravans and sent holiday cards to our hospitals and long-term care facilities to show appreciation.
This week marks National Volunteer Week, and we salute the thousands of caring volunteers in our community. Thousands who give of time, talent, and treasure to help build communities where everyone can feel they belong.
Here, at the Community Foundation we have incredible volunteers. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our Board of Directors and committee volunteers for going above and beyond the call of duty. Their leadership, expertise and commitment has kept us strong in these unprecedented times. We would not be the Community Foundation we are today without our caring volunteers past and present.
Today, this week and all the year through, we say THANK YOU!
With heartfelt gratitude.
Heidi, Roxy and Amanda
Your Community Foundation